Student Life

Dear 5844

Sometimes I wonder, if I was able to do it all for you, if some magic twist of fate gave me the power to take your place in that camp all those years ago, would I do it? To live in a barn infested with termites, to shed my Japanese name and tongue, to live a life of uncertainty, would I be able to do it all if it meant I could meet you and call you Grandpa?

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In Defense of Natto

I contend, try natto. It may seem disgusting, but really dive deep and see for yourself.

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A Student's Guide to Organizing a Day of Remembrance

If you’ve ever been interested in organizing a Day of Remembrance ceremony for your community, here is a beginner-friendly guide from newbie Alicia Tan who successfully participated in the organization of two this year.

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To my younger self: A semester into college, here’s what I know!

I just finished my first semester of college, and since college was always the one big milestone you were looking forward to, I’m here to let you know that things aren’t exactly how we expected them to be. Fear not, though, I’m here to quell all your worries and let you know how our first semester went.

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My Intersectional Identity

Starting university and exploring student organizations prompted me to ask myself some questions about who I am. How do I piece together the parts of my identity?

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Dina’s Guide to Surviving Graduate School Applications

Graduate school can be a daunting journey filled with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, but it can also be an exciting next step that can open many new doors and opportunities. To help ease the burden, here are a few tips that I’d like to share to those considering graduate school.

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What is the Intercollegiate Taiko Invitational (And Why Does It Matter?)

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Intercollegiate Taiko Invitational (ITI) was held at UC Davis, co-hosted by Davis’ Bakuhatsu Taiko Dan and UC Berkeley’s Cal Raijin Taiko. But what’s the big fuss, and why should the community care?

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The Young Adult's Guide to Slapping Professional Anxiety in the Face

Now that the summer, graduation, and the prospect of the future are inching closer, I thought this might be the perfect time to assuage some of the growing fears around the job search and career transition, especially for our college-aged readers.

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My Time At Yo! Camp

Last summer, I went to Yo! Camp, and it was one of my favorite parts of the summer.

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The Size of your Culture Night Doesn’t Matter - Just These Two Things

Move beyond the comparison game and discover the true purpose of Culture Nights. Learn how building community and educating audiences are the key ingredients to success.

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What Sounds Like Home: On Creating Black and Asian American Identity Through Music

As Asian Americans, we too can lose sight of music as a border-defying site of home-making. Too often, Asian American artists and musicians are embroiled in Black cultural appropriation just to shed these ornamentations later in favor of another aesthetic. So how do we make a better home for each other in our music?

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5 Things I Learned at Yo! Camp (as an Adult)

When you think of an overnight summer camp, you think of all the benefits it will have for the campers. But instructors and staff like myself learned a lot, too.

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Meet Yo! Magazine's Spring Student Collaborators

Meet our eight amazing Student Collaborators from our Spring cohort: Ashley, Erin, Hannah, Katie, Kendall, Jules, Michelle, and Yua!

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Nikkei Professionals 2022

Nikkei Professionals is an event hosted by the Southern California Intercollegiate Nikkei Council in which members have the opportunity to develop professionals skills that are often not taught in school.

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The Evolution of Collegiate Taiko

Collegiate taiko has had a prolific expansion over the last couple of decades. Let's explore how it's grown and where it still needs to go.

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Education and the Path to Self-Defined Success

New year, new pandemic, new perspective. College during these strange times has taught me to divest myself from a career-oriented approach to education and invest in my personal goals and interests.

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8 Things You Remember If You Had AZN Pride

If you grew up in the early 00s, you know some, if not all, of these these that were uniquely Millennial AZN.

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Should We Date Within the JA Community?

There can be consequences to dating within the JA community if things go poorly, but it may just be a risk worth taking.

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Is There Stigma Surrounding Community College?

Education is for everyone, but do we end up judging everyone's education?

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Doing a Good Turn Daily: Japanese American Boy Scouts

Exploring the lasting legacy of youth development in the Boy Scout programs of the Japanese American community.

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Finding Sanity Amid College Application Hysteria

As a current college freshman who had her fair share of struggling to balance academics, sports, and extracurriculars in high school, I’m here to give you the honest advice nobody tells you but you’ll wish you knew.

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Losing my College Experience to a Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has caused high school and college students to miss out on some of the best times of their lives.

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Dream With Me: Life Without Oppressive Systems

The CSU Board of Trustees approved a one-class ethnic studies graduation requirement, citing the need for individual schools to plan out coursework to meet the requirement. Is that something marginalized communities asked for? Is that action enough?

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Finding Home at School

Enjoying school can be hard when you feel like you don't belong. There are many factors that impact how much an individual enjoys school, but one that looms large is the demographics of the school.

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Infographic - Are the Kids (Going to Be) Alright?

Automated employment is looming, human education is in danger. This infographic explores how we can develop critical "human" competencies for the future success of our kids.

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Going Above and Beyond: How People Are Learning Skills Outside of School

Learn from these incredible young adults and adopt a new hobby or skill set outside of the traditional school books!

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Tips and Ideas for Nikkei Student Union Online Meetings

NSU meetings are going to be a bit different this year. We're sharing our Zoom tips and ideas to make this year a success for you and your cabinet.

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Back to Online School with Ms. Katsuda

This year going back to school might look different for folks attending online. Marisa Katsuda, an eighth grade teacher, shares some tips to make this experience a bit easier.

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Are the Kids (Going to Be) Alright?

Employment, socializing, and life itself is evolving at an exponential rate... education is not. What do our kids need to truly be prepared for this rapidly changing reality?

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15 Things You Have to Deal with as a Student in the Era of COVID-19

As if navigating classes and peer relationships in school isn't challenging enough, we've had to do it while going through a global pandemic. We empathize with all the students out there!

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