Looking for activities to do in Nikkei Communities? Check out our directory now!

Born out of a desire to participate in community-based, cultural activities as young adults, the Nikkei Community Activities Directory is a living document with a list of Japanese cultural classes and programs in Southern California. Check out the directory here, as well as in the directions below!

How to Use the Directory

For general browsing:

  1. Access the spreadsheet here
  2. Click on the “Directory” tab at the bottom left of the spreadsheet.
  3. Scroll to browse the complete list of activities!

Looking for something specific?

  1. Access the spreadsheet here
  2. Click on the “Filter” tab at the bottom left of the spreadsheet.
  3. Filter the directory by category, activity, and/or region based on what you’re looking for!


We’re looking to expand this guide to include more activities and more regions. If you have any suggestions of what we can add to our directory, submit them to the form here!

With Love for Our Community: Building Community with J-Town Action と Solidarity

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Okaeri 2023: A Beautiful and Transformative Conference

I was honored to be part of such a large gathering of queer and trans Nikkei. My feelings of shame were replaced with pride, as I heard Japanese Americans of different sexualities, genders, and generations share their stories.


Nikkei Community Activities Directory

Looking for activities to do in Nikkei Communities? Check out our directory now!


Dear Tatami

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